A new investor recently met me and asked, "how much returns he will get if he invests a certain amount of money in mutual funds". I told him it depends on him, not me. And he was quite amused as he thought I should know because I am the person who will suggest to him the right investment products which can yield good returns. I explained to him that the investment world is dynamic and things change from time to time. Sometimes, there is euphoria in the marketplace, and yet there are times when everything seems to be going down. If you follow asset allocation, and stay disciplined in your investment journey you can expect a better return. However, if you get excited or panic with every news (good or bad), it could affect the portfolio negatively. The right product does matter but it is the investor behavior that is the key to investment returns. Finally, I told him, "Mileage depends on the driver, not just the car. The smoother you drive, the higher the mileage would be....
A merger of mutual fund schemes does not induce any tax liability for an investor. Investors are liable to taxation only when they make a redemption. So if you would have decided to stick with the new scheme, your investment must have automatically transferred to the new scheme and there is no tax liability. You will be taxed when you redeem your mutual fund. For the purpose of calculating capital gains at that time, the original date of purchase and cost (of the old scheme) is considered. Source: https://www.valueresearchonline.com/stories/51029/do-mutual-fund-scheme-mergers-put-an-extra-tax-burden-on-investors/ Further Reading: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/tax/how-to-calculate-long-term-capital-gains-on-equity-mutual-funds-after-re-categorisation/articleshow/63909130.cms https://www.livemint.com/Money/ftVNz3QiwpqVgH68PdZYnL/Mutual-fund-scheme-mergers-wont-put-extra-tax-burden-on-inv.html https://www.financialexpress.com/money/mutual-funds-redeemed-mu...
Register as a Distributor on CAMS (here: https://www.camsonline.com/Distributors/Service-Requests/Distributor-Mailback-Services/Request-Mailback) Register as a Distributor on Kfintech (here: https://mfs.kfintech.com/mfs/distributor/distributor_Login.aspx). Request the WBR77 report from CAMS Request the MFSD205 from Kfintech. These reports have details of the brokerage paid to you by AMC's serviced by CAMS and Kfintech. You can download other reports as required. Information about all possible reports available to distributors is available in Distributor Manual CAMS: https://www.camsonline.com/assets/PDF/usermanual/Distributor-user-manual.pdf Kfintech: https://mfs.kfintech.com/mfs/Distributor/Downloads/DistributorManual.pdf. Please note that if you are new and your brokerage is less than their threshold brokerage (Rs.100, Rs.250/- for different AMCs) then the payout won't happen until the threshold is reached. In case you have questions you can cont...
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